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Paintings for Sale: Tips on Selling Art Online

Paintings for sale online


For selling paintings online, artist needs to learn more about online world. Just putting up an art website will not be sufficient. Sale is the result of creating search friendly website. What happens behind the page impacts visibility. For that search engine optimization (SEO) of the website is critical. To attain that easily, artist needs to go for e commerce platform. Luckily Shopify has many of these features built in. Artist will have to spare more time initially to learn using these features.

Explore the terms meta tags, meta keywords, page title etc. And this learning never stops at one go, search engines keeps on changing their algorithms, so it is an ongoing, continuous process. But once you have understood the criteria, it will be just a few minutes work everyday.

Before uploading paintings for sale online, it will be better to learn these things first and then roll out your own website. Creating search engine friendly paintings website is an art in itself.